Monday, August 22, 2011

Wild and Crazy

Okay a LOT is going on with me...My parents are on vacation (must be nice) and I am taking over my dad's company...How did I go from SAHM to a working mom again? Needless to say I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with working. LOL

I am SO glad school started so I can my normal life back...LOL After this week I am for sure going to get back in the swing of my diet etct. I have to take it easy BUT I know easy is better for me anyway.

Now I have to prepare for my surgery Friday so that will be taking up most of my time for now.

Slow and Steady wins the race right? LOL Join us on Mamavation!

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Eden Fantasys. Two blogging carnival participants will receive adult toys. Answer the following question in your blog post and link back to the Eden Fantasys website. Link up your post here.

Why do you think exploring intimacy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle?
A healthy sex life is not only good for the well you know BUT you become closer to your spouse, it burns off calories (TONS) and well to me it is the best for your SOUL. People would be amazed as to what intimacy can really do for your health and relationship. :-)
 This post is sponsored by Eden Fantasys and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation

SISTAHOOD: If you are interested in pledging to the Mamavation Sistahood, Monday is the time to do it. Please go here for instructions. Invitations are done on Wednesdays over twitter. (Or later if I get swamped)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bad Week :-(

I don't have much to say this past week has been over the top stressfull for me. I guess we are entitled to one of those every once in a while right? It still hasn't gotten any better but I am hoping it will SOON...I need a pick me up. Plus side my headaches are going away. :-) Not the dizzyness BUT we can't have it all right LOL

Hope everyone has an awesome and productive week...I am going to try to turn mine upside down and make it the BEST week EVER!!!

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Omron Fitness. Two blogging carnival participants will each receive an Omron Fitness pedometer. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and mention Omron Fitness with a link back to their site. Link up your post here.

What are your current technology tactics in your healthy living journey?

My current technolofy tactics I have is my iPhone Apps...200 Squats, 200 Sit Ups & Nike Training (thanks to @Gutimom for the NT) It allows me to push myself just a little more even after my Jazzercise. Even lil posts on my FB from family like I have attached lifts me up and keeps me motivated into my journey
This post is sponsored by Omron Fitness and I’m writing this to be entered into an Omron Fitness pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation .

SISTAHOOD: If you are interested in pledging to the Mamavation Sistahood, Monday is the time to do it. Please go here for instructions. Invitations are done on Wednesdays over twitter. (Or later if I get swamped)

Book your Thirty-One Party with me TODAY!!!
We have 15% OFF of EVERYTHING for the month of August ONLY!!!
Live out of state? That is okay we can do a catalog party and you can still earn FREE stuff...You DO NOT want to miss out on our Hostess Exclusives this month!!!!

Book your Scentsy Party in a Bag or a At Home Show with me TODAY!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

If things look grim...look to HIM!!!

So I received some news that is neither good nor bad....went to the doctor a few weeks ago and well we are opting for a partial hysterectomy...keep in mind I am only 28 years old. I already had my tubes tied after my last child because of medical reasons but I never thought that I would have to go through this. I guess I should be grateful though and PTL that I don't have to do chemo or radiation. It will solve the issue of all the pain I am having along with the other side effects. HOWEVER now that I am enjoying going to jazzercise with my childhood friend Karen after the surgery I have to keep all exercise low key. I guess I will have to be harder on my food part of my diet...Suggestions are welcome :-)

Other then that considering my week has been like a beach wave I have maintained my weight! Hadn't gained or lost anything BUT considering my week I am happy :-) Hubby is actually enjoying the fact we are heating more hearty. Poor thing eats nothing but carbs on the drill ship :-( Now to get him to jazzercise or a gym...hahaha yeah right LOL

I do have to brag a little though since I joined Mamavation I have established a lot of new friendships both here and outside of Mamavation. Plus I am inspiring people to eat better at home with their families. Now I am far from perfect bc I do have my Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A and McD's BUT I have steered away from them as often as I use to and IF I happen to HAVE to eat there I choose a leaner mean instead of my normal choices. Even the kids prefer the fruit and water or milk verses the other 'crap'.

Here is a question though to my peep...When on this diet travels has anyone encountered headaches? If so what worked to make it go away? Mine has been here for three days and well I would like it to leave :-)

I am going to conclude this blog for now...hopefully something exciting happens this week for me (in a good way) Good luck to all my Mamavation Sisters this week!!! If things look grim...look to HIM!!!

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Flatout Bread. Two blogging carnival participants will each receive a VIP Package of NEW HungryGirl Flatout Bread products. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and mention Flatout Bread with a link back to their site. Link up your post here.

What are the next big goals you want to tackle?

My BIGGEST goals is to workout more often and push myself instead of doing the minimum. Also I would LOVE to cut out my soda addiction as well. I have gotten better but I would like to kick it our completely.
This post is sponsored by Flatout Bread and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation .

This is a special Blogging Carnival and TV Giveaway because the new HUNGRYGIRL Flatout Bread products will be available in Walmart Supercenters beginning 8 August in the deli section.  We at Mamavation are thrilled that they have chosen to include our group of ladies as some of the first to get the new product.  Even if you do not win keep an eye out for this packaging.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A pep in my step

I don't have A LOT to say this week but I do have to say this....It is nice when someone actually notices that you have lost weight...We look at ourselves in the mirror everyday PLUS we are ourselves biggest cridicts so we may not notice as much besides in our clothes ;-) But a comment from a friend is always nice to hear. All week I have had people tell me how awesome I am starting to look and boy does it give me a major boost in confidence :-) A pep in my step

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Organ Wise Guys and Fiber Choice. Two blogging carnival participants will each receive an Organ Wise Guys CD/Calendar to teach kids to eat healthy and Fiber Choice chewables for the parents. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and mention Organ Wise Guys and Fiber Choice with a link back to their sites. Link up your post here.

What nutrition lessons have you learned from your kids?
My kiddos are wonderful they would rather eat fruit then french fries or that allows me to now add ALL our 5 food groups to ALL our meals.
 “This post is sponsored by Organ Wise Guys and Fiber Choice and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation .

SISTAHOOD: If you are interested in pledging to the Mamavation Sistahood, Monday is the time to do it. Please go here for instructions. Invitations are done on  your post if you enter the blogging carnival.
Wednesdays over twitter. (Or later if I get swamped)

Monday, July 18, 2011

WILD and Crazy Week

Okay I don't know about y'all but this past week was CRAZY for me...My plate was full and that is lightly putting it. (Okay driver with the boom boom boom...I can't hear myself think while posting this blog...go away or I will pow pow your speakers with my bang bang...LOL) Anyway...I always say with it being HOT here in Houston, Texas we should be losing a lot more weight then we do...hahaha I have been all over the map for my dad, plan for my daughter's birthday party and my son's, take my daughter to K2 Cheer All Stars and get the house ready...BUT considering my business I still found time to fit in two intense workouts with my old school mate Karen. We were totally each others motivation this week which was a blessing.
With all my craziness I have to say I lost...wait for it....1.7 lbs!!!!! WAHOO!! So all I have to say, if you are one of those gals who LOVES to talk, STAYS busy with house & kids...there is no excuse to not fit in one hour at least two times a week for yourself to workout and be one with your body. Honestly it really helped me calm myself down...can't wait to add one more day.

I promise next week I wont be so crazy mad on my blog! ;-) Hugs and Kisses and Blessing to all and Keep Up the Great Work!!!

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Grunt Style. Two blogging carnival participants will receive a shirt from Grunt Style. Answer the following question in your blog post and link back to the Grunt Style website. Link up your post here.

Question: What has been your favorite Grunt Style workout? If you aren’t doing his workouts what has been your strength training routine?

I have NOT yet done the Grunt Style workout, though I am planning on it before my surgery (which will limit me for 6 weeks) BUT I have been stepping up my game at Jazzercise. I am impressed on how intense this class could really be. I LOVE doing the crunches with the weights it covers so much and man you feel it the next day for sure. :-)This post is sponsored by Grunt Style and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Grunt Style.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Rough Week This Week

WOW it is Monday again…how time just zipps by me when I am NOT having fun. My week went from a great start to a total disaster.
Monday – Worked with my dad, Hell froze over because daddy got me Starbucks and yummy lunch from The French Quarter, Ate dinner with my parents and had my mom check on Caleb’s eyes (I thought he had pink eye but it was just allergies…thank goodness) Mamavation & GREAT encouragement from my Sistahood Sisters that night
Tuesday – Was going to get my daughter back and well change of plans, got house exterminated and found out that I have Chinch bugs in my front lawn bc my attached neighbor disturbed them when they were trying to re-grass their grass…cost to fix it $50 per treatment * 4 Treatments = $200 AND neighbor wants me to treat their yard as well (since we do need to treat the entire issue so we can get rid of it ALL) BUT didn’t offer to pay half or partial…yeah I think NOT Money doesn’t grow on my trees and I shouldn’t have to pay for my yard since it was their fault. Plus side to my neighbor however is I found out she was a nurse…awesome since my boys always finds ways to hurt themselves or get sick…Case in point my middle child Callin (pronounced Cal-lynn) decided to put the potty lid upside down on his head taking 3 adults (myself and my parents) to pull it off.
Wednesday – Started off kilter..taught my first daycare kids PC Class but somehow I was either 30 mins behind schedule or they were ahead…either way I felt rushed and I HATE that feeling. Got to my dad’s and left pretty much right after that to go eat lunch…nothing like a hearty healthy meal from home (Belgium) and the company of my parents and sister (yes we are SUPER close and we live CLOSE by to each other) to calm this Belgium Princess down. Finished work with my dad and then went to get my daughter so we could meet with the church pastor…it is awesome to see this guy at work and how progressed my daughter is with God and wanting him in her life. However by nightfall she struck a fever and got sick…then opened up hubby’s paycheck and well let’s say when it rains it pours…but what a good example to prove to my daughter that God is there when we need Him but we have to have Faith in him.
Thursday – Woke up to a wonderful gift from Mother Nature…really? Seriously when will this part of womanhood end…btw I have endometrioses so needless to say when I have THAT time it is severely painful for me…not like any woman jumps for joy when they get theirs but I loathe mine with a passion. Sometimes I wanna be like Dr. House and just take it out myself…luckily for me I don’t like the sight of blood. Kristen still felt ill but was a little better so after teaching we got mani/pedis and went to the movies and saw Mr. Popper’s Penguins…SUPER cute movie. Heads up they are making Puss in Boots movies looks cute. Paid bills and well tried to relax…nothing relaxing after paying bills LOL
Friday – Monday was more productive I snapped out of my funk and got to working on me…shopped with my mom and had a good talk about our weight loss journey etc. I finally signed up for Jazzersie and I am starting Tuesday. So my goal is to go everyday for at least 45 min – 1 hour should be good for my weight loss AND for my stress/semi-depression.
So other than a few hills in my road, I have total faith in God and myself that we will get through this…so regardless if all this made me gain a pound or two (ate out of my diet range Thursday – Sunday) I am only human and well that just means to kick the week in the kahonas and take on the new week with a B-A-N-G!!!
Happy 4th of July Everyone!
MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

SISTAHOOD: If you are interested in pledging to the Mamavation Sistahood, Monday is the time to do it. Please go here for instructions. Invitations are done on Wednesdays over twitter. (Or later if I get swamped)

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Eco Foil Pans. Two blogging carnival participant will receive an Eco Foil Prize Pack. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and mention Eco Foil Pans with a link back to their site. Link up your post here.

How did well did you manage to eat healthy over the holiday weekend (4th of July and Canada Day)? Any tips for the rest of the summer?

I am VERY impressed with myself and my family. Usually we make all kinds of 4th classics including Hamburgers, casseroles, desert after desert after desert…Instead this year we ate club sammis and drank lots and lots of water. Heck that was all my body craved. Did very little unhealthy snacking too. I am very proud of my family.

 This post is sponsored by Eco Foil Pans and I’m writing this to be entered into a Eco Foil Prize Pack giveaway hosted by Mamavation .

Monday, June 27, 2011

Short or Tall - Plump or Skinny - I Love Me for....ME!

I typed this blog on a Sunday instead of Monday like I normally would…. I am sitting here at Camp Allen where I have been for the last few days for a scrapbook retreat. We are staying at a beautiful log cabine with rocking chairs facing what is suppose to be called the lake…damn drought. But all in all it is beautiful out here. I would recommend this place to everyone.
I was thinking this weekend we are all sorts of walks of life. Some tall and skinny and some short and plump and it amazes me regardless our shape and height people are happy being who there are. I think it is SO GREAT that people out there are not starving themselves to get skinny. Case in point this weekend I don’t think anyone here was caring that we stuffed out mouths with carbs after carbs after carbs. Now I was good however, I ate my healthy snacks, did portion control and pace myself and took my shake, supplements etc.  Maybe not my trainers ‘dream’ come true but come on let’s be realistic I am NOT perfect and well this is a retreat. Hahaha
I did weigh myself this week however and for a 5’ gal I am 135…now some people will say what is wrong with that well to you nothing to me well that is a lot for me. I want high school weight or close enough but want to do it in the healthiest way possible so if I will be 110 at age of 70 so be it…just kidding-ish But I have been weighing obsessed which I HAVE got to stop. The scale isn’t going to change from this morning to tonight by much. Luckily my scale is at my parent’s so I can’t keep getting on it like I would want to. The good thing however is I have love and support regardless if I fail from my sister, my sisterhood here at #Mamavation and all the sponsors that allow and support us to do this in the best ways possible. One day I will have the hard abs, the tight butt and legs to die for until them I am just … well me and so far I like me J
Mamavation Monday:
This weeks blogging carnival is sponsored by EatSmart Products. Two bloggers will receive an EatSmart Precision Pro Diet Kitchen Scale.
How have you recently stepped up to support someone in your life? (online or IRL)
I have a dear friend/business partner who is like a sister to me. We have only known each other for a short time but somehow God has totally but us two together. We are so alike in many ways and support each other.
Anyway her husband lost his job and God knows I know what that was like…raising three kids and no income coming in and no savings (what is that? Well this weekend I was with her and we were talking about our kid’s birthday parties. She stopped and thought how most likely she won’t be able to do one for the other two kids like she did with one this year. I told her since I know when their birthdays are I will make sure somehow I will save money for both so they can have a birthday party they wanted and if there was anything else I could attempt to help on to let me know. It is far ahead I know but I told her that no matter what I support her and will do my best to help whenever I can where ever I can.
We all have to be here for each other regardless what life may throw at us along the way. I am a true believer in KARMA and well it can be a bitch if we don’t play our cards right. That is why I am willing and wanting, which is the most important part, to help and support my friend. I know if the shoe was on the other foot she would do the same for me.
Well this is all from me for now…until the next time…Hope everyone has a terrific and blessed week.
This post is sponsored by Eatsmart Products and I’m writing this to be entered into a EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale giveaway hosted by Mamavation
SISTAHOOD: If you are interested in pleding to the Mamavation Sistahood, Monday is the time to do it. Please go to for instructions. Invitations are done on Wednesdays over Twitter. Join it! You will NOT regret it…I know I don’t!