Sunday, July 31, 2011

If things look grim...look to HIM!!!

So I received some news that is neither good nor bad....went to the doctor a few weeks ago and well we are opting for a partial hysterectomy...keep in mind I am only 28 years old. I already had my tubes tied after my last child because of medical reasons but I never thought that I would have to go through this. I guess I should be grateful though and PTL that I don't have to do chemo or radiation. It will solve the issue of all the pain I am having along with the other side effects. HOWEVER now that I am enjoying going to jazzercise with my childhood friend Karen after the surgery I have to keep all exercise low key. I guess I will have to be harder on my food part of my diet...Suggestions are welcome :-)

Other then that considering my week has been like a beach wave I have maintained my weight! Hadn't gained or lost anything BUT considering my week I am happy :-) Hubby is actually enjoying the fact we are heating more hearty. Poor thing eats nothing but carbs on the drill ship :-( Now to get him to jazzercise or a gym...hahaha yeah right LOL

I do have to brag a little though since I joined Mamavation I have established a lot of new friendships both here and outside of Mamavation. Plus I am inspiring people to eat better at home with their families. Now I am far from perfect bc I do have my Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A and McD's BUT I have steered away from them as often as I use to and IF I happen to HAVE to eat there I choose a leaner mean instead of my normal choices. Even the kids prefer the fruit and water or milk verses the other 'crap'.

Here is a question though to my peep...When on this diet travels has anyone encountered headaches? If so what worked to make it go away? Mine has been here for three days and well I would like it to leave :-)

I am going to conclude this blog for now...hopefully something exciting happens this week for me (in a good way) Good luck to all my Mamavation Sisters this week!!! If things look grim...look to HIM!!!

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Flatout Bread. Two blogging carnival participants will each receive a VIP Package of NEW HungryGirl Flatout Bread products. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and mention Flatout Bread with a link back to their site. Link up your post here.

What are the next big goals you want to tackle?

My BIGGEST goals is to workout more often and push myself instead of doing the minimum. Also I would LOVE to cut out my soda addiction as well. I have gotten better but I would like to kick it our completely.
This post is sponsored by Flatout Bread and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation .

This is a special Blogging Carnival and TV Giveaway because the new HUNGRYGIRL Flatout Bread products will be available in Walmart Supercenters beginning 8 August in the deli section.  We at Mamavation are thrilled that they have chosen to include our group of ladies as some of the first to get the new product.  Even if you do not win keep an eye out for this packaging.


  1. I am opting for a partial hysterectomy myself to deal with my pain levels. I hope yours will go smoothly.
    I found I lost a lot of weight using a schedule and including 2-4 carb choices per meal and 1-2 for 2 snacks a day. 15 carbohydrates is 1 carb choice. So 1 regular slice of bread is a carb choice or a piece of small fruit. I also do the 3oz of protein with each meal and my evening snack.
    I find I get headaches if I haven't had enough protein. I grab a handful of nuts or a hard boiled egg and my headache usually goes away an hour or so later.
    Good luck with your next step :)

  2. Hope your headaches are feeling better by now. Are you drinking enough? Do you drink any caffeine? If you are off caffeine after drinking it for a while, that can also trigger headaches. Good luck!

  3. Good luck on the soda... I am struggling with that one. Sparking water is my best friend now, but I do think about diet soda all the time...

  4. Let me know when you quit the soda...I'd love to give you a virtual pat on the back for that one ;) XXOO

  5. Great job on not gaining any weight during a stressful week. What is that keeps you from letting go of the soda?

  6. @MNMSpecial Thanks for the advise...I will have to try that...I have had lack of protine lately

    @Jenn I drink at least 1-2 caffine drinks a day...thought it was bc my sugar was low (I am diabtic) but that wasn't the case...hoping it is bc of Houston's crazy

    @Monicazyoung Yeah H2O is a tough one for me too..there is a 'healty' water flavor you can buy at stores...wish I remember what it was called...suppose to be good and help ween off of sodas...I am a 20 year addict on sodas this I need to go to a SAA meeting LOL

    @Bookieboo You will be the FIRST to know :) Thanks for the encouragement

    @AriesMommy If I don't have my coke or caffine I am not a nice person during the is sad to say but I have a LONG time addiction BUT I would LOVE to kick the habit (one less thing to waste $$$ on LOL

    Thanks everyone for the LOVE & Support!!!

  7. congratulations on maintaining the weight and hope that everything goes easy with you know what
    Have a great week

  8. headaches could be too much caffeine or not enough. It could also be a sign of dehydration!


  9. Shelley was just talking about headaches on her posts too. I used to suffer from terrible migraines, never really found the cause. Definitely been getting headaches lately and instead of doing what I'd like to and just crawl into bed and hide it away I've been stretching and doing some yoga or pilates. So far that has helped me to relax through the headaches and ward off the migraine.

  10. Hmm. Have you tried iced tea or even just black tea instead of soda to get your caffeine fix? It's a much lower sugar/lower calorie way to wean yourself off of liquid satan. The heat may contribute to faster dehydration, too, so maybe up the water intake? Like for every soda, drink 2 waters. Hope the headaches go away!
